The ABCs of Avoiding a Custody Battle

  • Taking Your Personal Injury Case To Court? Here's A Few Things You Need To Do

    8 November 2017

    When you are injured in a severe manner, and it is impacting many aspects of your life, you may want to seek justice through the legal system. Even if you believe that your case will be fairly cut and dry, it is best to make sure that you are taking all of the precautions that you possibly can to improve your chances of receiving a good outcome. Here are some things that you will want to remember to do:

  • Knowing What to Tell Your DUI Attorney

    11 October 2017

    Finding yourself behind bars for driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated is not a position most people ever expect to find themselves in. When you get arrested, you will very likely need an attorney like Robert A Murray to help you to get through this situation and get your life back to normal. As you begin speaking with your attorney, you may be wondering what you can and should tell them.

  • Alternatives to Divorce Litigation

    21 February 2017

    When it comes to divorce, many people have a picture in mind of what to expect – generally a lengthy court battle that causes lots of stress and results in the loss of lots of money. Fortunately, for many people, this doesn't have to be the case. There are alternatives to the drawn out divorces you see on television. This guide can help you better understand them. Collaboration Collaborative divorces are an excellent choice when both spouses are willing to work together.

  • Tips For Managing Your Money During A Divorce

    2 February 2017

    With the typical divorce costing as much as $20,000, it will be a financial burden to deal with before you even divide your shared assets. Thankfully, there are some steps you can take to manage your finances during a divorce. Consult With A Personal Financial Advisor For those that were never responsible with how your family's finances were handled before the divorce, it is best to meet with an advisor about handling your personal finances after a divorce.

  • Buying Or Selling A Home: Why You Need A Real Estate Lawyer

    5 January 2017

    While it's expensive to buy a home, it's important not to cut costs when it comes to hiring an attorney. In some areas, it's mandatory to have a real estate attorney so that the process will go more smoothly. You are free to choose any attorney that you want to, but it's best to work with a lawyer who is familiar with real estate law, such as those at Zane Law.

  • Understanding Alimony

    5 January 2017

    A divorce can be very complicated between dissolving the legal marriage, separating assets, and determining child custody. For some couples, the discussion of alimony may be part of the divorce proceedings. Alimony, sometimes also called spousal support or spousal maintenance, is a set amount of money that one spouse must pay to the other spouse after the divorce is finalized. Continue reading to learn more about alimony: When Alimony is Awarded

  • Is Your Spouse Having An Internet Affair?

    21 December 2016

    Not all affairs begin in person; increasingly spouses are finding ways to cheat on their husbands or wives in front of their home computer. Meeting, chatting and then eventually connecting in person using the internet is surprisingly common and easy to accomplish – no need to hang out in seedy bars to have an affair. Unfortunately, internet affairs are more difficult to spot, so read on to learn about 8 warning signs that your spouse is up to no good online.

  • 3 Ways To Make Your First Holiday Season As Divorced Parents Manageable

    1 December 2016

    If you are approaching your first holiday season as divorced parents, you and your former spouse's effort and attention should be focused on how to make the holiday season as manageable and pleasant as possible for your children. Here are three things that you can do to achieve that. #1 Keep Your Feelings About Your Spouse To Yourself It is going to be hard enough for your child to deal with celebrating the holidays in separate households and dealing with the disruptions of important family traditions that they count on occurring year after year.

  • Understanding Use-and-Lose Laws for Underage Drivers

    9 November 2016

    While drinking and driving at any age comes with serious consequences, the laws applied to underage drivers can have unique penalties. Zero-tolerance laws, for example, have a lower blood alcohol content threshold for minors (0.02 percent or lower). Other laws, dubbed use-and-lose laws, can have consequences for minors even if they aren't behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. A DUI attorney can help if your minor child has been arrested under one of these types of laws, but there are a few things you'll need to understand about the laws.

  • Is It Time to Call in a Professional for Your Personal-Injury Case?

    21 October 2016

    Many times, going through the at-fault party's insurance company will result in a sufficient solution for an injury. Other times, however, circumstances seem to warrant more. If you are the victim of any of the below personal-injury situations, you may need to call in a professional. Read on to learn more about why more help is sometimes necessary. Injuries and Illnesses from Toxic Exposure Often, you will going up against a large, powerful corporation to fight these types of claims.