The ABCs of Avoiding a Custody Battle

  • What If The Planning Commission Does Not Approve Your Zoning Permit Request?

    4 April 2016

    When you find the perfect property for your business, one of the most important considerations you need to make is whether or not you will receive the zoning approval necessary to operate. Unfortunately, this does not always happen and you are faced with either fighting for approval or finding another location for your business. If you are planning to fight for the right to setup business at the location of your choice, here are some tips to handle your situation.

  • Take These Four Precautions To Prevent Dangerous Medication Errors

    16 March 2016

    Medication errors have the ability to ruin both your health and your finances. Even if you get medical malpractice compensation, your life may never be the same due your injuries. Therefore, it is in your best interest to watch out for and prevent medication errors. Here are a few tips to help you do this: Sort Your Daily Medication In Advance  Mixing up drugs is easier than most people think.

  • Why It Is Important To Find A New Job After Being Wrongfully Terminated

    17 February 2016

    If you believe and have evidence to prove that you were wrongfully terminated from your job, you may be able to file a lawsuit against your employer. If you have the right proof, a lawyer may agree to accept your case and begin working on a lawsuit against your employer. As your lawyer is working on your case, you may wonder if you really need to find a new job. After all, you may end up receiving a large settlement from the case.

  • Suspecting A Church Treasurer Is Stealing: What A Lawyer Can Do

    29 January 2016

    Do you have a suspicion that the church treasurer has recently been stealing money? If you are unsure as to how the situation should be handled, it is time to hire a licensed lawyer to assist with getting to the bottom of the truth. In this article, learn how a lawyer can go about finding out if the church treasurer is handling funds in a dishonest manner to benefit his or her own needs.

  • Proper Estate Planning Advice

    13 January 2016

    Taking care of your estate is an important way to protect your assets and your family members when you pass away. If you have not drafted a last will and testament or developed a plan for your estate, contacting a lawyer is recommended so they can ensure that you draft this important legal document properly. Here are some helpful tips to ensure that your estate planning is done the way you want it so it will benefit your family.

  • Three Creative Ways To (Not) Beat A DUI

    23 December 2015

    People have been known for trying to beat a DUI charge in some rather creative ways, but their efforts are seldom (if ever) rewarded in court. If you're drinking, keep in mind that any of the following activities will still land you in legal hot water. 1.) Trying to share the blame. There have been at least two cases where an intoxicated duo agreed to operate a vehicle together, with one person operating the wheel and the other manipulating the pedals.

  • What To Know About Pre-Existing Conditions And Vehicle Accident Claims

    9 December 2015

    If you have been in an auto accident, you may find a pre-existing condition worsens. Having a pre-existing condition doesn't exclude you from seeking damages. However, in these case, it can be more difficult to hold the defendant liable for conditions they did not cause. Here is some information on pre-existing conditions and vehicle accident claims. Eggshell Plaintiff Doctrine Eggshell plaintiff doctrine, or eggshell skull rule, is a legal term often used for people in injury cases who have conditions that make them prone to injury.

  • 2 Things That Could Be Considred Sexual Harassment That You May Not Know About

    20 November 2015

    When many people think of sexual harassment they think of someone making sexual comments or touching someone else in an obvious sexual manner, and yes these things are sexual harassment, which is a very serious problem. According to a poll done by ABC news, one in four women in the United States reports sexual harassment in the workplace. There are other things that can be thought of as sexual harassment, however, that you may not be aware of, which are listed below.

  • Why You May Get Into Trouble For Selling Fake Versions Of Illegal Drugs

    4 November 2015

    When people talk about drug-related crimes, they mostly dwell on substances that the government has declared as illegal such as cocaine and heroin. However, you can also get into trouble for selling fake versions of these drugs.  This means the authorities may arrest you for selling a harmless white powder in the name of cocaine. Here are three reasons you may get into trouble for selling fake drugs: Sale of Fake Drugs

  • 3 Things To Know About Long-Distance Parental Visitation

    18 October 2015

    If you are going to live a some distance away from your children after the divorce, you may wonder how you can still maintain a relationship with them. Here are three things you should know. 1. You may need your ex to agree to any long-distance visits. If you live out of state or out of the country, many courts may be reluctant to approve visitation that doesn't fall under their jurisdiction.