The ABCs of Avoiding a Custody Battle

2 Issues To Address When Filing For Child Custody

by Barry Webb

No one enters into a marriage with the intention of getting a divorce, but many couples find themselves battling emotional distance and differing ideologies as their marriage progresses. Ending the marriage might be a simple way to restore the individual happiness of each partner in a troubled marriage, but divorces can become complicated when there are children involved.

In order to ensure that you are prepared to work with your attorney when trying to obtain custody of your children during a divorce, here are two issues that you should be prepared to address in court.

1. Your work schedule.

Raising children demands a significant time investment, and a divorced parent that is granted custody of his or her children must bear much of this time commitment alone. One of the factors that the court will take into consideration when granting custody during your divorce is the individual work schedules of you and your partner.

If your job demands that you devote a lot of hours each week, this could prevent you from obtaining custody of your kids. Be prepared to work with your lawyer to show that you are able to accommodate the needs of your children by working from home, reducing your hours, or altering your schedule so that work will not interfere with your ability to raise your children alone.

2. The location of your new home.

Before the court will grant you custody of your children, you must be able to show that you can provide a loving and safe home environment. This means establishing your own residence. In addition to looking at the quality of your new housing, the court will likely consider the location of your new home as well when making custody decisions.

Maintaining a normal routine is imperative when it comes to helping children cope with divorce. If you are able to move to an area that is close to the neighborhood where you lived with your spouse, you can avoid forcing your children change schools or become familiar with a new location after your divorce is final. Showing that you can keep your children in the same geographic area they are accustomed to will help you prove to the court that granting you custody rights will be in the best interest of your children in the future.

It can be scary to think about having your children taken away from you in a divorce. Understanding that the court will consider your work schedule and the location of your new home when making custody decisions will help you make choices that will allow your attorney to prove to the court that you can provide a loving home for your children. For additional information and advice, contact a lawyer at a law firm like Cotto Law Firm P.C.
