The ABCs of Avoiding a Custody Battle

Mistakes To Avoid After A Car Accident

by Barry Webb

After a car accident, there are many ways to damage your claim. This article will point out some mistakes commonly seen by lawyers that can ruin an otherwise legitimate car accident injury claim.

  • Providing false information: This mistake is simple to avoid, and the consequences can be dire if you don't. Lying on an insurance claim form can void your entire claim.
  • Errors on forms: Insurance paperwork is required to receive compensation for medical bills, and the accuracy of the information on these forms is critical. Failing to cooperate with your insurer or provide accurate information can cause you to lose your no-fault benefits.
  • Surveillance: You should expect that insurers (both yours and the other driver's) will hire investigators to watch you during your case. Most will understand an injury victim wanting to be self-sufficient, but few will understand a victim who denies doing certain things and is later caught on video.
  • Talking about your case: Defense attorneys and insurance adjusters may try to get in touch with you. Do not discuss your case with anyone except your car accident attorney.
  • Social media postings: Insurance adjusters will look at your social media pages, searching for ways to avoid paying your full claim.
  • Signing away your rights: Even simple release forms may have fine print that waives your right to a future claim, or language that allows the other driver's insurance company to access your medical information. Don't sign anything until you speak to your lawyer.
  • Photos: Any time you have an injury or a surgery that is related to the accident, take photographs or call your car accident attorney. Take pictures or video of the damage to your vehicle; repair estimates are often erroneous, and fail to reflect the extent of the damage.
  • Applying for Social Security Disability (SSD): Many insurers require injured parties to apply for disability benefits, even if they want to go back to work. However, the application and appeals processes can affect your claim. Work with a car accident attorney who specializes in SSD to ensure that you can apply without damaging your case.
  • Moving/Job changes: Accident-related changes in your job and your income should be discussed with an attorney. Tell your lawyer if you move, if you're restricted in your work duties, or if your injuries cause you to miss work.

For more information, contact Allison & Rickards, Attorneys at Law, LLC or a similar firm.
