The ABCs of Avoiding a Custody Battle

Common Questions About Hit And Run Auto Accidents Answered

by Barry Webb

Your car is likely one of the most valuable things that you own, and it is subjected to a constant barrage of risks for damage. Unfortunately, hit and run car accidents can be a major problem for many people. However, when you have been the victim of this type of accident, you have rights that need to be protected.

Yet, if you have never been in this type of accident, you may have a couple of questions that you need answered:

Do You Always Have To Pay For Hit And Run Damage?

Some drivers automatically assume they will be responsible for the full cost of repairs to the car. However, this may not be the case because there are many insurance plans that provide coverage for these types of accidents. As soon as you realize damage occurred to your car, you should contact law enforcement to obtain an accident report, and you should call your insurance agent. This professional will be able to confirm whether your plan provides hit and run coverage. 

If you learn that your plan fails to provide this type of protection, you may still be able to receive compensation for the damages. This is especially true if you are able to get any identifiable information about the car that hit yours.

For example, if you are able to get the license plate of the car, you may be able to track down the owner. When this is possible, you should hire an attorney to pursue the matter to help ensure your rights as an accident victim are protected. 

What Happens If The Other Side Refuses To Pay?

If your attorney is able to successfully obtain a verdict or settlement, there is a chance that the other side may simply stop paying. When this happens, you have numerous options to help ensure your judgment is collected. For example, it is possible to have the other party's wages garnished until the award is repaid. 

In instances where the other party does not have a job, it may be possible to go after their assets. This option will allow you to seize their car, house or any other property and liquidate it to recover the judgment. These options help ensure that you will be paid the money that was awarded during the case. 

Being involved in an hit and run accident can force you to pay thousands in repair costs, but it is important to understand that you have rights and protections during these instances. By understanding these answers to commonly asked hit and run questions, you will better understand what you can do to ensure your finances are not devastated due to the negligence of another driver.

If you want to know more, contact a company like the Law Office Of Daniel E Goodman with any questions or concerns you have.
